Project Archive

Photo by Dave Moore

Photo by Dave Moore

Secrets of the Bower House: Ch. 1 (Aug. 2019)

Premiering at the St. Lou Fringe Festival, “Secrets of the Bower House: Ch. 1” received an award for “Most Innovative Show” and set in motion a three-part series under the direction of Audrey Simes, Blaize D’Angio, and Erin Renée Roberts. “‘Secrets of the Bower House: Chapter One’ utilized dance, theater, projection, installation art, music, and audience participation to create a striking immersive performance…” —Jacob Juntunen, KDHX [8.19.19]

Photo by Virginia Harold

Photo by Virginia Harold

Host Table (2018)

“Host Table” was the project that inspired us to officially establish Flo as a collective of independent collaborating artists. The work pushed the boundaries between performance and real life as performers took the audience on a dreamlike journey. Like Alice falling down the rabbit-hole, our heroin finds herself in a world of uncertainty, oddities, and imagination.

photo by SVAHA

photo by SVAHA

Secrets of the Bower House: Ch. 2 (Sept. 2019)

This immersive work used performance, installation, and music to explore themes of familial relationships, identity, labor, life pattern, and the body. Individual narratives were carefully woven together through vignettes that invited the audience on a stream-of-consciousness journey through time, memory, fantasy, and absurdity.

Photo by Peter Wochniak

Photo by Peter Wochniak

Both Sides (2018)

“Feel how the Greater Being comes! Rejoice, and in rejoicings, die! Melt in the music of the drums! For I am you and you are I.” —Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

photo by Audrey Simes

photo by Audrey Simes

Secrets of the Bower House: Ch. 3 (Oct. 2019)

The third and final chapter of “Secrets of the Bower House” premiered at Artica 2019: the Dance of Furious Joy. The work featured a time-based installation that was built and deconstructed over the course of the festival weekend, site-specific performances, and audience interaction.

Photo by Audrey Simes

Photo by Audrey Simes

An Oddly Shaped Pearl pt.3 (2018)

How does a pearl come to be? What does it mean to be shaped in the dark? What is revealed as you emerge into the light?