
Host Table

There is a light in the darkness and a darkness in the light. There is a dream we cannot wake from. There is a hunger we seek to satisfy. A stranger’s reflection gazes back from the mirror. Someone new walks through the door. With a stillness, with a chaos, projecting ourselves onward, inward, upward, we grow in a persistent cycle. We build up. We break down. We build up again… We ask you, “Why did the chicken cross the road?”


Co-directed by
Blaize D’Angio and Audrey Simes

In collaboration with:
Molly Dupre, Erin Renée Roberts, and Mona Sabau

Charlie Cerpa

Ann Johnson

Stage Manager:
Grace Burghoff

Video and Editing:
Mike Dorsey

Fire Keeper:
Sal Geniec

Debbie Simes

Virginia Harold

Special Thanks:
Dr. Bill Russell, Mary Ellen Bryan, and Izzy Lande